Before you submit a bug-have you updated to the latest version of the application you're running and verified that the bug still exists? If you're not sure, please visit our Downloads page first.
Welcome to our Bug Submit page. Chances are you're here because you've experienced a bug in our application. If you would like this bug resolved, please continue reading.
Our engineering staff cannot fix a bug until it has been understood and duplicated by our Quality Assurance team. For this reason, it's important that your workflow leading up to the bug be shown in a simple, step-by-step manner when reporting the problem. An example of a properly submitted bug is as follows:
- Using the Rectangle tool, draw a rectangle of any size
- Go to Tool > Duplicate Array
- Select the 'Next Mouse Click' option and click OK
- Click on the drawing, and the rectangle fails to duplicate
To further aid in our ability to duplicate the bug, please consider the following:
- Include a minimal Vectorworks test file that explicitly illustrates the problem.
- Always refer to Tools and Menu items by their given name. Avoid made-up names and acronyms, as this causes confusion.
- If there is a printer problem, mention the printer make, model number, and current driver version being used.
- If the video display problem, mention the make, model number, and current driver version being used.
- Submit bugs one at a time. Do not enter several bugs into one form.
- Provide ALL of the information requested below.
- For more information about how to submit an effective bug report, please visit this site:
You will only be contacted if more information is required. Please do not send emails asking if your bug was fixed. If you need immediate assistance don't hesitate to get in touch with Tech Support.